A Little Drop of Hope After a Very Trying Year
A Little Drop of Hope After a Very Trying Year

It’s the last week of 2016. The first thing that came up as I wrote this? Good riddance. It was a rough year in ways I don’t need to reiterate

What Would Jesus Have To Say About ‘Fake’ News?
What Would Jesus Have To Say About ‘Fake’ News?

Two words I am sick of hearing in this post-election reality of what else can we talk about? news coverage: “fake news.” Never mind how helpful it might have been

What Whitney Houston Teaches Us About Transcendent Despair
What Whitney Houston Teaches Us About Transcendent Despair

Embed from Getty Images When times get rough, and they are most certainly rough post 2016 election,  I turn to music. There has always been a transcendent quality to Whitney

When Proverbs 31 Becomes Misogynoir 101
When Proverbs 31 Becomes Misogynoir 101

After the strobe light anxiety-triggering-mind-numbing results of the election, I remembered an episode of “Preachers of Detroit,” a reality show about ministers and their families that aired on Oxygen in

A Bleeding Woman’s Crazy Notion and High Hope
A Bleeding Woman’s Crazy Notion and High Hope

Have you ever heard this expression expressed by someone to explain why they don’t go to church? Religion is for people afraid of going to hell… Spirituality is for those

Why I Both Grieve and Celebrate My Mother’s Birthday
Why I Both Grieve and Celebrate My Mother’s Birthday

Today is my mother’s birthday. She died when I was in high school. When I do the math on how long it’s been since I’ve be in her physical presence,

How to Use the Bible to Talk About Race
How to Use the Bible to Talk About Race

Before any discussion of race can occur, we must first ask whether or not the places we choose to worship affirm our humanity. Theology must speak the language of the

“You’re Too Big For That” Part 2: The Problem of Paul
“You’re Too Big For That” Part 2: The Problem of Paul

Welp, looks like between my last post and this one, TeacherBae has been reprimanded. Once again, a Black woman faces penalty for having curves. It saddens me to report that

Why Voluptuous is Applauded Everywhere…Except School and Church, Apparently
Why Voluptuous is Applauded Everywhere…Except School and Church, Apparently

“You’re too big for that.” This is the subtle shaming background music with lyrics for big black girls everywhere. And that word ‘big’ is loaded all by itself: big as

A Christian Response to Colin Kaepernick
A Christian Response to Colin Kaepernick

In case you have been under a rock for the past month, you have heard about the controversy over Colin Kaepernick’s decision to take a knee during the singing of